Fat Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Fat Spell
Hi, this is a fat spell you may use it on other people but preferably on yourself. It is temporarily if you would like it to be permanent just say so.

Casting Instructions for 'Fat Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One bowl
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Your favorite most fattening dishes (not just one)
  • A full stomach
  • A liter of your favorite thick drink that makes you gain weight like coke or milk
  • Big clothes for you to wear when you are done with the spell
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One bowl
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Your favorite most fattening dishes (not just one)
  • A full stomach
  • A liter of your favorite thick drink that makes you gain weight like coke or milk
  • Big clothes for you to wear when you are done with the spell

Let's start...
Make sure you have lots and lots of fattening food
And make sure you belly is full
(1) fill the bowl to the top with water
It can be tap or bottled
(2) get a handful of salt and put it into the water
(3) mix until salty
(4) drink at least half of it
(5) say this


"I call upon the gods, hear my plea.
Stop my metabolism and make me grow big and wide for (as long as you want)
Make me gain (how many pounds you want) pounds I grow big and scream with glee. I call upon the gods to make me chubby!"


(6) Once you are done drink the rest of the water then eat all of the food and even if you feel sick just eat and eat and eat until its all gone.
Go straight to bed when you are done.
(7) Wake up the next morning, you will feel quite heavy...
(8) you will not instantly gain after 4 days the weight you want will become yours but as the weeks go by you'll gain 50 pounds everyday.
If at some point you cannot bare it say this:


"Please start my metabolism make it work again help me lose pounds I didn't ask for this curse pleasr gods!"


Msg me if it works I tested it on myself.
Before I did the spell I was 78 pounds and 12 I'm 13 now and I weigh 198 pounds! it is primarily for fun. Because, seriously who don't want to pop buttons?


Added to on Aug 28, 2016
Last edited on Aug 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Over eating and not exercising will indeed make you gain weight, but that's not a spell. [also if you need to gain weight, I wouldn't do so in this manner, eating extra calories and doing weight training would be healthier] but this spell doesn't work.

Why is this a thing, i mean i get gaining weight if you are an unhealthy weight, but why would anyone want to be fat.Im not trying to body shame, its just So much health risks in being overweight

Aug 21, 2020
Putting aside the fact this isn't a spell and the fact some people are underweight, some wish to look a certain way because they find it attractive. I'm not talking my 600lb life [although there are some who are attracted to that extreme example] I mean someone wants a more curvaceous body [thick thighs, big boobs] you can be overweight and healthy. Again, eat right, exercise, you can be healthy at any weight, but at any weight, there will be health risks as well as things you will be genetically predisposed to be. Why someone chooses to live a certain way might seem mysterious, but it's because it makes them happy. It might be baffling to you or me, but to that person, it's totally normal and our way of life might be insanity to them. If you get the opportunity to listen to another's point of view, take that chance, but if you don't, just shrug and go ''if they're happy and not harming anyone, whatever'' [and I know, choosing an unhealthy lifestyle is harming the individual, but I'm referring to larger-scale killing puppies harm, not making loved ones sad or choosing to be selfish harm] Honestly, all you can do is provide information and hope they're safe. [but I'm sure an overweight person knows all the medical problems because tons of people in their life have explained it before]

As outlined, this does not work. You cannot start/stop your metabolism by simply saying so.

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