
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Wings
Grow wings.

Casting Instructions for 'Wings'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Full Moon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Full Moon

Chant this spell:


"By next full moon (color) wings will sprout

One by one my feathers come out

The pain will be numbed, but the ache may remain

Either way I will be able to stand the pain

My wings will span (number, try to make them large) feet at full size

And when I wish to fly, my wings will rise

Beat against the air and fly, fly, fly

Soaring easily across the sky

And when I am not in flight

My wings will close and go out of sight

They will be flush with my back, tough and tight

And I shall fly again in the night

By next full moon the first nubs appear

And one by one little black feathers appear

In (age times ten) days my wings will be full size

And into the sky I will rise

Magic will keep me aloft no matter my wing size

And it will balance me despite the lack of tail between my thighs

Up in the air I will fly free

This is my will, so mote it be."


Added to on Oct 10, 2016
Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot grow physical wings.

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