Wings Potion

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Wings Potion
A potion to grow wings. This was difficult to make, as it's hard to find herbs for flight and wings.

Casting Instructions for 'Wings Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Wings Potion
  • Feather
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Blood, yours
  • Milk
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Wings Potion
  • Feather
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Blood, yours
  • Milk

Mix together all the ingredients except the feather. Make sure to concentrate on your intent as you mix. Hold the feather and say, while visualizing the changes you describe:

"This potion I have mixed is made
To grow (colour)-feathered wings from my back
Nubs form, then grow,
And small feathers grow out.
First, my primaries, long and strong,
Extend from around my shoulder blades.
My shoulders move apart to make room
As the bone begins to grow out,
Covered in feathers on both sides.
And muscles, tight and full of power,
Hide beneath the feathered skin,
As my normal skin parts, with barely any blood,
Making space for my new wings to slide free.
Slowly, the wings slide further forward,
Until the downy inside feathers show,
And my wings are fully extended,
And I can fold them tightly on my back.
But earlier on in the growth, as the nubs began to show,
My bones are becoming lighter, but tougher as well.
And when my feathers begin to poke out,
Air sacks are forming within my body,
My lungs growing to hold more air,
And my balance is improving, so I can steer even without a feathery tail.
And when my wings are fully grown,
I will have the instincts required to fly and land,
And I will be able to practice flying,
As soon as my wings are grown out.
Now I shall drink this potion,
Aware that although there will be no blood, the process will hurt.
Aware that the wings will take a while to grow.
Aware that the wings will be permanent as soon as my instincts kick in and my nubs form.
Aware that my wings will need extra care.
And aware that I must keep my secret safe."

Now drink half the potion, and rub the rest on your upper back. Then massage it in and think harder about your intent and the process of growing wings. Keep the feather safe.


Added to on Oct 21, 2016
Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot grow physical wings.

Apr 18, 2021
I think you can if you believe you can hard enough!!!

Apr 19, 2021
No amount of belief will overcome reality. Magik is an energy ruled by nature that creates natural change. Humans do not have wings by nature, Real Magik does not defy nature, ergo this spell will not work.

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