
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Gender
Turns a male into a female for about an hour. Female-Male coming soon.

Casting Instructions for 'Gender'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

First, get to a comfortable place sitting cross-legged. Then close your eyes and imagine you male part receding and your breast and butt expanding. Once your man part has now just become nothing, imagine it now becoming like a second butt, this time out the in front. Now imagine that your hair us growing longer and longer, turning into the color you want it to. Once the transformation is complete, say or whisper this:

"Gods and Goddesses, I have a wish, and please let it be. Let me be a female, only for an hour. I just want to see. If I must, I will let you use my power. Make me pass out to complete the process. When I wake up, it shall be complete. This is my will, so mote it be."

As the spell says, after a couple of minutes you should pass out. You will wake up in about 30 minutes and you will be female. After an hour you will pass out again, this time going back to a male. 


Added to on Dec 06, 2016
Last edited on May 17, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Aside from this being medically impossible, describing the female genetalia as a second butt could be considered offensive. I love this new feature!

Assuming this works, what happens specifically during the she sleeping process?

Apr 04, 2019
Nothing will happen as this is a fake spell, you cannot change gender with a spell.

Yes, this is absolutely impossible. If it worked I'd cast it as often as possible, but magick is a form of energy that cannot fundamentally alter physical matter.

You cannot physically transform with Magic, this includes changing your gender.

As you can see if you believe hard enough it works.

Sep 10, 2023

Sep 10, 2023
That's not how magick works in reality. Magick real witches preform is ruled by nature. If a spell contradicts nature, it will not work, regardless of how much you believe. Human's cannot will themselves to change genders, so a spell will not transform you physically from one gender to another. However, a spell could cast an illusion to help you pass, a manifestation could help you find medical and financial help to transition, and a healing spell can help you heal faster and safely.

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