Summon a Goo

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Summon a Goo
Summons inside your belly a goo creature that grows with time, slowly giving you a pregnant or fat looking belly.

Casting Instructions for 'Summon a Goo'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A dark room
  • Concentration
  • Your voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A dark room
  • Concentration
  • Your voice

First of all, prepare the room for the summoning. Simply block all outside forms of light (close windows, turn lights off, etc.)

Then, sit down in roughly the middle of the room, and chant three times:


"Belly, belly belly. Why is it so empty? Give me a creature, inside to make my belly a prominent feature."


After three times of chanting this, the creature should be inside you, a way to tell if the spell worked is if you begin to feel very hungry a few hours after casting, or if your belly begins to bulge outwards on it's own.

Be warned, this spell is permanent, so you should give it some thought over whether you want this belly bulge forever.


Warning: the creature this spell summons cannot be undone, message me if you have any questions.


Added to on Dec 08, 2016
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I tried it and I feel so hungry since a day and my belly looks bigger...will it grow faster if I use the spell again?

May 22, 2019
This would be considered a placebo effect since you cannot create life from nothing, nor create a ''goo'' with a spell, let alone a mere chant. This does not work. You are reading into simptoms that are not there. It will go away in time.

If this spell isn't real... Then how is it possible that I gained about 35cm waist circumference in just 2 days without eating much?

Jul 27, 2019
Do you have any update?

Feb 13, 2021
Placebo perhaps? Mary Tudor wanted to be pregnant (sort of like what this spell is meant to do) and thought she was after she experienced the belly growth sign among others.

Can the spell be used else where

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