Light as a Feather

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Light as a Feather
This is something of a meditation technique I discovered by accident. It allows you to momentarily feel light as a feather, like you could drift into the sky.

Casting Instructions for 'Light as a Feather'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

First, before you get started. This spell doesn't make you feel lighter gradually, it is very sudden, and can be quite surprising. The moment I feel light I'm always shocked out of concentration, so this is a momentary spell.

To start, go to your place outside that is quiet and has a totally clear view of the sky, and lay down. Don't do anything just yet, just relax. Clear your mind, and look to the sky. Relax, and try to let your body become loose and relaxed. This is the meditation step.

Next, now that you've relaxed, direct your thoughts to the sky. Think about just how big it is, how high it goes. The sky is very large, almost endless. There is a lot of space between you and the edge of the sky, earth's atmosphere.

Now that you've pictured how high the sky is, picture how deep it is, and the space beyond it. The sky is large, but where it ends the pitch black abyss of space starts. It goes on and on continuously, swallowing all. Try to feel it being deep like the ocean, but bottomless, and engulfing everything.

*Suddenly, the sky switches from feeling tall to feeling deep, and you feel extremely light. You'll feel like you'll fall into the deep ocean of the sky. The sudden weightlessness is like when you're dreaming and you fall, it surprises you so much you jump and wake yourself up. I always jump, even when I know what to expect.


Added to on Dec 19, 2016
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This could be used to help with astral projection. This will not make you physically levitate.

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