Eye Color Changing

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Eye Color Changing
A spell to change your eye color, hopefully works.

Casting Instructions for 'Eye Color Changing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A mirror
  • Belief
  • Strong(ish) will
  • Visualization
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A mirror
  • Belief
  • Strong(ish) will
  • Visualization

Go somewhere where you won't be disturbed, whether it's the bathroom or a bedroom, just make sure no one will bug you. Take out the mirror and look at your eyes. Keep looking at them until they seem to be flickering between colors. Also, don't blink, as that will ruin the spell. Imagine your eyes in the color of your choice, visualize them changing into that color. If your eyes are a different color after you blink, then you did it!


Added to on Dec 29, 2016
Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this really work?

Feb 09, 2020
no, magick doesn't make such changes. at best, you could cast an illusion and others might think your eyes are a certain colour, but they won't change. [there's always contacts. I had two friends back in high school, one wore purple contacts and another wore these that made his eyes look like cats]

This might work. Not sure how, but I used this last night to make my eyes black(which is really just a really dark brown) and after imagining, I also used a chant, and I went into the bathroom. My eyes are definitely black now.

Sep 10, 2020
If this works, it would create an illusion so people would perceive your eyes as a different colour, it won't make them physically change from brown to black [though, I think it would be easier if you went from brown to black instead of brown to pink or something]

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