Wing Shifter Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Wing Shifter Spell
This spell gives you two forms to shapeshift to painlessly at will, plus retractable wings on all your forms, and a few other things. You must read the entire spell before continuing.

Casting Instructions for 'Wing Shifter Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candle
  • Feather
  • Belief
  • Mental image of all your forms (except your base form), and the wings of all your forms (including wings of base form)
  • Full moon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candle
  • Feather
  • Belief
  • Mental image of all your forms (except your base form), and the wings of all your forms (including wings of base form)
  • Full moon
Light a black candle and hold up a feather to its light. Imagine all of your forms, turning into them, unfurling your wings, then retracting them. Imagine your wings on your base/human form, unfurling and retracting them, their shape, colour, size. Now imagine manifesting the ears and tail of your animal forms on your human form, both with and without wings. Once you have visualized all of this, say three times without messing up (memorize it or write it down):

''By the power of the moon shining bright
I pass and change within its light
Make me a shifter of the blackened night
With two animal forms and beautiful wings of flight.
The form of a/n (animal), the form of a/n (animal)
Both with wings that can grow and retract
By the light of the moon
I shall be nonhuman soon.''

Now focus on your intent again, then blow out the candle.

Side effects:
Getting stronger and faster
Better reflexes, more flexible
More stealthy
Better senses
More endurance, pain resistance, lung capacity and stamina
Skin turning the colour of your species' fur/scales/feathers
Down feathers coming out of your back
Flaky/oily skin, especially on the back
'Pimples' on upper back
Aches in tailbone
Tingling in head, back, tailbone, legs, feet, and arms
Connection to the air and the sky
Connection to your animal types
If your species has any powers, you will develop them soon before your first shift
Angry easily
Occasional mental flares
Short trance when looking at the moon
Dreams of your types and being your types


Added to on Apr 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform. You cannot grow wings. You cannot fly.

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