A working vampire curse

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► A working vampire curse
This curse is used to become a Undead-Immortal-Vampire.

Casting Instructions for 'A working vampire curse'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dim private room.
  • Alonetime.
  • Needle.
  • 6 drops of your own blood.
  • A Bed.
  • Day/Nighttime.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dim private room.
  • Alonetime.
  • Needle.
  • 6 drops of your own blood.
  • A Bed.
  • Day/Nighttime.

A Working Vampire Curse: Needs: dim private room. alone time. needle. 6 drops of your own blood. A Bed. Day/Nighttime. Say this 3-5 times: Oh Goddess of the undead, Mother to the immortal. Grant me thy wisdom, Grant me thy help. I wish to be a undead, A Vampire. Irreversible! Then you'll need to prick your left hand (Index Finger), and place 3 drops of your blood on the place where you did the invocation. And drink 3 drops of your own blood. then you'll need to go to bed for 30 minutes. that's it and after 30 minutes you'll be an Immortal Undead Vampire!


Added to on Apr 18, 2017
Last edited on May 25, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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What does it mean by place 3 drops of your blood on the place where you did the invocation?

Mar 29, 2019
Where you were standing when you did the chant, but it doesn't matter because you cannot become an immortal vampire, that's not how real magick works I'm afraid.

This is a fake spell it will not work. Please do not try it as you are harming yourself in the process. Be careful

so if i do this curse i will become a vampire right???

Jan 23, 2020
No, as it's been explained a thousand times already, you cannot become a vampire.

I do not understand why one would even want to become something so dreadful. Would you really want to spend the rest of your life fighting the urge to kill innocent people? Not that this works, but seriously.

You cannot physically become a vampire.

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