Real hybrid curse

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Real hybrid curse
This spell/curse is to make uyou a Actual Hybrid between a vampire and a werewolf. i got it from a demon and he said it to be working so give it a try

Casting Instructions for 'Real hybrid curse'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blood of your own.
  • Day/Night.
  • 1 candle (colour does not matter).
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blood of your own.
  • Day/Night.
  • 1 candle (colour does not matter).
Real Hybrid Curse:

- Blood of your own.
- Day/Night.
- 1 candle (colour does not matter).

Say the following 2-3 times:

Goddess of the immortal, and
Goddess of the wolf.
Grant me thy wisdom,
Grant me my faith.
Make me a Hybrid, both
Vampire, and Werewolf is what thy made.
Make out my plea, For it to be.
Irreversible, So it shall be!

And after that you'll need to drink your own blood
within 3 minutes!!! if not, then it will not work!.

It works within 3 hours.


Added to on Apr 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this really work?

Aug 20, 2019
No this is a fake spell, neither vampires or werewolves are real in this way and you cannot physically transform yourself with magick.

You cannot become a hybrid.

Yes if you have faith itll work. But by saying oh this won't work but if you know and believe and have faith it'll work. I can promise you that

Please do not cut yourself to get blood. This spell is nonsense, and you cannot become a hybrid or curse someone into a hybrid. Although I am quite new, I know that this is fake. You are human and shall remain so.

If vampires and werewolves aren’t real then why is there a whole spell section dedicated to them? I’m just curious is all

Mar 10, 2023
The answer is manifold. Firstly, a long time ago this site allowed both actual magic practice and the fantasy side of things, for the fun of the latter. Some people, however, are unable to tell them apart somehow, and so the rules shifted (to overly simplify that history). The reason such spells are allowed to remain is because it draws traffic to the site. Perhaps, then, someone looking for things such as growing wings, turning invisible, becoming some other-than-human creature, whatever, may find themselves in a place where other members will help redirect them to what is realistic.

Mar 11, 2023
Because people think it is cool and want to be them. The reality is vampires and werewolves are astral/spiritual beings and we are physical. You can use the symbolism of a vampire or werewolf in your craft. Vampires for glamour, werewolves for transformation. You can even work with them on your spiritual team. You just cannot physically transform into them. People join this site, want to sound cool, make a fun sounding spell, then argue with people who know what they are doing that it is real, when in reality it is not and the person who posted the spell wants to feel special. The spells remain on the site because they bring a lot of traffic to the site, generates ad revenue, which keeps the site free for everyone.

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