Rid yourself of anger/sorrow/any negative thoughts.

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Rid yourself of anger/sorrow/any negative thoughts.
This is quick and easy, and works 100%. I've done this many times, and I assure you it really works! Easy way to fill yourself with positivity and energy.

Casting Instructions for 'Rid yourself of anger/sorrow/any negative thoughts.'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Preferably outdoors
  • Rainy day (optional, works best)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Preferably outdoors
  • Rainy day (optional, works best)
Imagine yourself as a catipillar in a cocoon.
Place your hands in a fist above your head, and make a downward ripping motion, like you are ripping off the cocoon.
While you are doing this, chant: (for a rainy day)
''I rid myself of my anger,vengefulness, sorrow,and all negativity. And just as a snake sheds itself skin, I will be made anew. And as the rain falls on this day, I shall be cleansed.'' Repeat until you feel happy, and charged with energy.
For a non-rainy day, chant:
''I rid myself of my anger,vengefulness, sorrow,and all negativity. And just as a snake sheds itself skin, I will be made anew. And as the sun shines, wind blows, and clouds roll,I shall be cleansed.'' Repeat until you feel happy, and charged with energy.

Remember: Do the actions while you chant. Good luck, and blessed be!


Added to on May 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This could be used to help you move past an emotion, but even negative emotions have purpose. Learn from it, ask yourself why you feel this way, and how you can use it for positive reasons. Suppressing and ignoring negative emotions will force them further down into your shadow and cause more damage in the long run.

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