Bendy's Curse

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Bendy's Curse
Have a Body like Bendy

Casting Instructions for 'Bendy's Curse'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A device for musics
  • bed
  • night
  • belief
  • a spell for make it work
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A device for musics
  • bed
  • night
  • belief
  • a spell for make it work
Spell for make it work:Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, i call on you, to make this spell magic. So mote it Be!

Now steps!

Step 1:Play the original/remix of Build Our Machine

Step 2:Imagine your new body (you can add Customs Things)

Step 3:Repeat the Step 1

Step 4:Say the Spell 3 Times

Spell:''Dear Bendy, let you to do a ritual for change my body, a body like your but with (Customs Things), This is my wish, So mote it be

-(Your Name)

Step 5:Say:'I will make my dreams come true'' and go sleep

(Note:In the Morning, Go to a Morror if your body is changed, is not, try again)

(Note 2:you can do a update of this spell, but, you should give me a mail for i test)


Added to on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will not work, you can't pray to a fictional character to do something like this. Well I mean you can'll just be disappointed in the end. No harm in trying but I really wish there were less of these types of ''Spells'' so it wouldn't prominent as opposed to the ones that can work.

A. Is not possible B. why would He let you become a ink demon if your of no use to him

This does not work.

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