Ultimate Fighter (Demonic)

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Ultimate Fighter (Demonic)
This spell allows you to perform fighting techniques of who you choose in ANY person / character you wish to become.street fighter,tekken,camcom,mortal kombat,kick boxer,chuck norris, etc. Just choose the name of your fighter that you want to be. This works by demonic posssession and anazlyzing.

Casting Instructions for 'Ultimate Fighter (Demonic)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Strong Belief
  • Athletic Body
  • Focus
  • 1 Black candle
  • 1 White candle
  • Imganation
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Dark Energy
  • Meditation
  • Dark Quiet Room
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Strong Belief
  • Athletic Body
  • Focus
  • 1 Black candle
  • 1 White candle
  • Imganation
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Dark Energy
  • Meditation
  • Dark Quiet Room
Find a dark quiet place to sit down no distractions. Grab your pen and paper write down your fighter FULL NAME.Place your canddles on the of the paper center. Place the black candle on your right side and white candle on left side just a few inch apart from each other.Now light the candles then sit down in front of the paper.

(This step is VERY important so please be calm and patient)
Meditate on your fighter performing a fight on someone else.Anazlyze your fighter combos and stunts carefully.You'll see a clear image while your meditation this means your letting that fighter spirit in within you.Keep on meditation until you feel collected enough moves.

2)Making A dark PSI Ball
(This will allow you to feel the enrgy you just gained)
Place your hands like your holding a ball. Move your hamds around the ball slowly and steady...you'll feel a dark invisble energy ball within your hands.Now place your energy ball above the flames for 3 seconds on each candle then release the ball forward.

Say the following ''I will fight like a champion walk like a champion I am (your fighter name) fear not a thing come in me so mote it be.''

4)Blow Candles
Once you chanted blow out the candles and take a deep breath in and out.

Body Strength Increased
Agile Increased
Anger mood swings (controllable)
Not afraid to fight anyone


Remember this is a spiritual body swap powerful spell and may only be use if your serious about chamging your life.


Added to on Jul 29, 2017
Last edited on Mar 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I could be from Tekken or Chuck Norris can I? All by demons and analysis no less. While visualization and using a character as an archetype can help motivate you to work harder and achieve a goal, you are not transforming into that character because that's not how magick works.

Jan 01, 2020
You're not transforming into the character you're being possessed these demons are giving you the ability to fight like the character in it is possible people get possessed everyday and didn't take control the body's people that don't know how to control the demons so don't sit there and say it's not possible when it is very possible

Jan 01, 2020
You know I'm starting to see a pattern here I've read a lot of your post a lot of your comments and the reason why your magic doesn't work why you said everything is not possible is because you're so negative all the time is why your magic don't work she's a thing about being a black magic as you have no rules anything goes everything works

Jan 02, 2020
I wasn't being negative, I explained you can use this to motivate or empower you, but you will not physically become it. this spell doesn't call on demons, you don't have to work with demons for your spells to work [you don't need to work with any spiritual being for spells to work] and I've never had an issue with any spell I've cast. they've all been highly successful, I just choose carefully, and I understand magick so I don't waste my energy on things that don't work. I am rather positive, but I identify as a realist. I have contributed many working spells to the site, guided users on their path, and commented on working spells as many times as I've commented on fake spells [people simply enjoy yelling at me on the spells I explain don't work] if I can find a way to make a spell work, I will try [see above when I expressed visualization and working with archetypes] as for my magick, it works for me. magick is intent, not colour, but if I was to put colour to my path, it would be grey. I lean more towards the positive [white] spells, but if the situation calls for it, I don't mind cursing, however, magick is about balance, there's light in dark, and dark in light. Find the balance. That's my path at least.

This is complete nonsense and does not work.

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