Wolf shift

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Wolf shift
This spell turns you into a pure wolf and back to your human self with a few perks for your human self.

Casting Instructions for 'Wolf shift'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • • necklace
  • •will
  • •belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • • necklace
  • •will
  • •belief
This spell is extremely hard to do must need a 8 or more magic ability (website to learn that is simple mystic miracles) first of you must have put a drop of blood on the necklace after that rub it around the necklace and let the blood harden then go to a quiet place outdoors (best area would be a forest or field) and focus on your wolf form just think of what your wolf form will look like after that put on the necklace and think of you transforming, now here is the hard part after that you become a wolf but you can't control you actions but you need to think of you turning back into a human, the reason this is hard is because it will be hard to focus if your not in one spot but it is still possible and after four to six hours as a wolf you can control your self as well as speak to other wolfs. Good luck but if you can't make your self transform back sorry your a wolf permanently.

Tell me the results have not done it yet but my friend has just want to see if results are different.


Added to on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Will a coller do

Oct 29, 2019
We can't become a different species with magick, so it wouldn't matter too much whether it was a collar or a necklace. We cannot become a wolf with magick, as magick cannot break natural laws.

Jan 07, 2020
hearthwitch sorry but you're wrong we can change into anything as long as we will it

Jan 07, 2020
HearthWitch speaks the truth. You cannot physically transform, you can mentally shift or transform on the astral plane, you cannot do so physically since on the physical, magick is ruled by nature, and since physical transformation would contradict nature, it won't work.

Mar 31, 2020
idk magick isnt really bond by anything technically magick is part of the universe and is the very essence of life and of death and magick changes the very fabric of the natural law its more going against the natural law with magick we can break the laws of nature take alchemists for instance they go against the natural law the only reason why every witch mage wizard doesnt go against the natural law is cause there is a massive consequence when doing so

You cannot physically shapeshift with Real Magik.

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