Aura DNA Reconstruction

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Aura DNA Reconstruction
A way to change your self, to evolve using the power of your aura.

Casting Instructions for 'Aura DNA Reconstruction'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Fullest Faith
  • Darkness
  • Alone Time
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Fullest Faith
  • Darkness
  • Alone Time
  • Voice
Knowing how to read

You must be able to see your power, to read your aura. And to control it as illustrated in colors of power. Read it, charge it, use it to mutate your blood to change at this point to any preference.... even wings. Claws, poison nails, compete poison. Poison to ones that eat you is good for mosquitos, they die. Make your self acidic, fends off sickness. Be sure to prepare your body for acidic when you think. It could cancer if you don't. Change your self enough you could even change the material of your bones(note recommended for uneducated on bones). Use the Colors of Power ( the aura) to make PSI balls from the surroundings to power your self thus power to the aura. Once made push it into your chest, that chakra best absorbs energy. And the chakras power the aura. This can be cought on night vision cameras but it won't look the same. Mutate your self, use the throat chakra. Chanting what you want is a very powerful way to change things. Tip: If you mutate you thoat chakra really powerful, you can shadder windows at your command with lots of time for the changes to take place even months, the very sparkles of your aura is the key to super powers if you think it through enough.


Added to on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work.

Thought this was something else which was gonna be cool but I was wrong this doesn’t work maybe in the future with technology but not with magick

looking forwards to this. Big changes this year.

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