Bless Water ( For Power Of Life )

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Bless Water ( For Power Of Life )
Enhance your positive in your life, with blessed water, increase energy, start healing from illness, and increase blood into the body cleansing yourself.

Casting Instructions for 'Bless Water ( For Power Of Life )'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cup of Water ( Clean Water)
  • Spring Water, Natural Water Straight from the springs, or Stream, Filtered Water will work.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cup of Water ( Clean Water)
  • Spring Water, Natural Water Straight from the springs, or Stream, Filtered Water will work.

"I call upon the gods and goddesses that bless me with having this water to nurture my body. Fill me with blood and life, Please Heed my message to you transform my life into something new, bright and wonderful. May this water be holy, blessed. In the name of my holy gods and goddesses. I thank this wonder water for being in my life. It's a miracle of my will. It will happen instantly, so it be!"

Then drink your newly blessed, fresh water and enjoy !


Added to on Aug 04, 2017
Last edited on Mar 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Simple consecration.

Will also work with other liquids, just change the water part of the blessing

felt my voice moving to my hands into my water dunno if that makes any sense

This should work, I would rework the chant, but this is a simple way to make blessed water.

I would remove the ''happen instantly'' part, but this seems like a simple chant to bring blessings into your life.

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