Youthful Beauty

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Youthful Beauty
A spell to aid in the aging process mainly focusing on eye bags and wrinkles around that area.

Casting Instructions for 'Youthful Beauty'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small Bowl
  • Ice (Enough to cover the bottom)
  • Dried Rosemary Leaves (two pinches)
  • Rose Essential Oil (5-10 drops)
  • Tea Bags (any kind, caffeinated 2-
  • Red Rose Tealight
  • Match or lighter
  • Small Plate or Candle Holder
  • Offerings for chosen Goddess
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small Bowl
  • Ice (Enough to cover the bottom)
  • Dried Rosemary Leaves (two pinches)
  • Rose Essential Oil (5-10 drops)
  • Tea Bags (any kind, caffeinated 2-
  • Red Rose Tealight
  • Match or lighter
  • Small Plate or Candle Holder
  • Offerings for chosen Goddess


  1. Get your ingredients ready.
  2. Cast a circle around you and your tools.
  3. Put ice in the bowl.
  4. Now sprinkle in the dried rosemary.
  5. The essential oil should go in after the dried rosemary.
  6. Steep and drink the chosen tea.
  7. Put the used tea bags in the bowl.
  8. Light the red candle.
  9. Evoke Deity of choice.
  10. Lay back with tea bags on eyes.
  11. Give offerings to Deity as thanks.
  12. Close circle.
  13. Dispose of materials on a tree of plant. Teabags and dried herbs have nutrients they could use.

"Beautiful Lady Ambologera, please shine a kindly ray down upon me. Bless me with youthful beauty. Thank you for hearing my call. Please accept these token offerings for the help you have given."

Final notes: Please don't be that guy who evokes a Deity they know nothing about. It is disrespectful. Get to know them first before asking for favors. Make sure to give proper offerings as thanks. They are not your servants or lapdogs. It is unwise to treat them as such.


Added to on Aug 23, 2017
Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
Part of the Natural Magick Library.


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At best this may cast a glamour, but as outlined, I doubt it does much if anything at all.

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