Altering energy to the Moon

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Altering energy to the Moon
This is a spell of my own designee. it takes the casters current energy and much like a blood trans fusion replaces your energy with that of the moons. This is extremely useful because it can amplify your energy and you can transfer it in to other things. So like making moon water now all you need is a dark space with some quiet time to transfer some of the energy into the water.

Casting Instructions for 'Altering energy to the Moon'

This spell is part of our Moon Magic Series.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - Three white candles
  • - Salt
  • - A black blanket (big enough to sit on)
  • - A moon phase of your choosing (the phase gives of different energys so pick wisely)
  • - And what ever else like a wand and what not.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - Three white candles
  • - Salt
  • - A black blanket (big enough to sit on)
  • - A moon phase of your choosing (the phase gives of different energys so pick wisely)
  • - And what ever else like a wand and what not.
Pick a spot to lay out your blanket in direct moon light. Be it a window or in the park or your yard just make sure the light is on the blanket. But before you lay out the blanket bless the space and your Items. Now take your blanket and lay it down. sprinkle the salt on the blanket. Now when you sit on the blanket put one candle behind you and the other two on ether side of you (do not light the candles). Meditate and clear your mind. then say the following.

To mother moon I am true my love and your light are all that is in me tonight. Bless me on this blessed night with all my might make me your star child to night. Replace what is with in and fill me though out for this is my request for you my lady of rest. Ego enim anima mea in sempiternum et si iungi miscerique vobis polliceor. Cum enim quamdiu subsistam, et non estis nunc ad altare tuum sit.

Now meditate and pick every thing up go take a cold shower no talking for one hour. Immediately go to sleep after the shower. Your energy should change over night if not try one more time that normally does it. So best of luck casting friend and blessed be.


Added to on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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updates people ?

Can a gray blanket do because I don't have a black blanket

As outlined, this does not work. You cannot replace your body's natural energy with the natural energy of another. You can charge your body with energy, including the moons, for spells and rituals, but it will not be permanent. You will not gain moon powers. I also doubt this spell works because of the instruction. Why would you need to be silent for an hour, followed by an immediate cold show then sleep? And the random Latin is a red flag for me. If you do not speak a language, such as Latin, you should not use it in a spell. Ladin does not make a spell more powerful. You need to focus on the task at hand, and worrying if you are saying words properly, let alone not knowing what they say, can weaken a spell. At best, you could could use this as a dedication or ritual to worship the moon.

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