Ben 10 omnitrix spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Ben 10 omnitrix spell
have an omnitrix and be able to turn into aliens like from the t.v show Ben 10

Casting Instructions for 'Ben 10 omnitrix spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • omnitrix watch
  • daytime
  • 2 candles(any color)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • omnitrix watch
  • daytime
  • 2 candles(any color)
Step 1:Put on the omnitrix watch
step 2: light the candles one in the right side and the other one in the left side of you
step 3:then put your other hand on top of the omnitrix watch
Say 2x or more:
''god and goddeses of the universe i ask of you to grant me to activate this omnitrix for it to be exactly like from the tv show Ben 10. i shall be able to transform into any alien that is shown in my omnitrix.I will have a limit of 20 minutes until i transform back. i shall not be able to take off the omnitrix.that is my will so mote it be.''
Step 5: take your hand off the omnitrix
step 6:blow out the candles
Step 7: say thank you


Added to on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Srsly dude

Ben 10 is a show, this is reality, and Real Magic does not contradict nature.

i give it an A for effort

I can not belive my eyes,some people on this site need expert help...Too much kuku

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