Phonex Power Spe

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Phonex Power Spe
As the title suggests, you get phonex abilities. These include Fire wings, Priokenisis, and very hot.

Casting Instructions for 'Phonex Power Spe'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Quiet room
  • Night
  • Alone
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Quiet room
  • Night
  • Alone

1. Sit crosslegged
2. Meditate
3. Practice Priokenisis
4. Say the spell below:


"Deep within my soul lives a bird of pure flame and passion, let it be unleashed and fly about my body, let its wings burst from my back only when I will, Priokenisis will be at ease when I step a try. Ra, God of sun please hear my prayer and answer it from within the air, lasting one month I shall taste the burning desire of the Phonex, so mote it be!"


The affects will depend on you and how you're built. Mail me of you need some help, and uh yeah that's all I have to say. May the God's be with you


Added to on Nov 08, 2017
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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As the title suggests the author erupted into flames while typing it

You cannot gain phoenix abilities. They are astral creatures, you are physical.

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