Prayer for Strength in a Time of Need

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Prayer for Strength in a Time of Need
As the title suggests you use this prayer to gain help from a divine being in cases of danger

Casting Instructions for 'Prayer for Strength in a Time of Need'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • focus
  • space
  • something to offer
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • focus
  • space
  • something to offer

To begin, I recommend that you meditate until you are focused, however, this is not required. Lower yourself to your knees, in a bowing position, and chant calmly focusing on your words and them reaching the deity your are praying to.

"Gods and Goddesses hear my call. I fear for my safety and beg on my knees, oh help me to protect myself and my home grant me the power. I need to be known. Oh help me please. I offer (Something decent) in return for your deeds."

This spell can be modified in many ways, if you wish it. You may work in a specified power so you know what your getting or you cant trust them to decide.


Added to on Dec 02, 2017
Last edited on Sep 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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It might work, but in a dangerous situation, I do not think you want to say a long chant. I would consider grounding your energy, making yourself invisible, and stealth yourself out of the situation. Please note, when I say ''invisible'' it will not be physical, invisibility spells make people overlook you by grounding your energy. If you wish to test this chant, I would do so before a competition over waiting until you are in danger.

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