Invoking Love Ritual

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Invoking Love Ritual
Crystals can be used in ritual; here is an example using Rose Quartz to invoke love.

Casting Instructions for 'Invoking Love Ritual'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 4 pieces of Rose Quartz
  • 1 large Amethyst
  • Candles and candle holders
  • Silk cloth
  • Table
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 4 pieces of Rose Quartz
  • 1 large Amethyst
  • Candles and candle holders
  • Silk cloth
  • Table
First, place your crystals and four candles on a table covered with a silk cloth. Place one candle to the north, welcoming the spirits of that direction as you light it. Then place the others to the south, east, and west, again welcoming the spirits of each direction as you light each candle. Ask that these spirits act as guardians and keep you safe.
Second, take your Rose Quartz crystals into your hands and sit facing your table (if the crystals are large, do one at a time.) Close your eyes and quietly attune to the crystals. Let their energy flow through your hands, up your arms, and into your heart. As the energy reaches your heart, feel it open and expand. Touch the crystals to your heart. Rose Quartz is a powerful heart cleanser and healer, so allow your heart to be purified by the energies of the crystals.
Then say, out loud: ''I am a magnet for love. I welcome love into my heart.'' Place the crystals around the Amethyst on the table and say out loud: ''And love into my life.'' Sit quietly for a few moments with your eyes focused on the crystals. When you are ready to complete the ritual, get up and blow out each candle in turn, saying: ''I send your light and love into the world.'' Either leave the crystals on the table or place them around your bed.


Added to on Dec 03, 2017
Last edited on Mar 31, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is an effective self love spell.

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