to change you appearance (TESTED)

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► to change you appearance (TESTED)
this will not change your entire face, it will only change smaller things like eye color or hair length. try your hardest with this spell and if it doesn't work, keep trying!

Casting Instructions for 'to change you appearance (TESTED)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • paper
  • candle
  • wand
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • paper
  • candle
  • wand
first cast you circle and light your candle. think very thoroughly about what you want to accomplish. for instance, i want to change my eye color from brown to green. think about that color filling your eyes. one you have done this write on the paper what you want to do. light the paper on fire and set aside SAFELY on something like a dish or fire proof cloth. once you have done this chant:

'' oh great goddess, here me now!
hear me as i ask, beg, plead of you
it would make me ever so happy,
aid me with your power!
change (insert part here) to (insert color or length or other here)
thy will is done, so mote it be and
blessed be!''

uncast your circle and check the mrror!


Added to on Dec 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This won't physically change anything. You might create an illusion for others certain features have changed, but physically it'll be the same.

This could create a small illusion for those around you to perceive you slightly differently, but do not expect dramatic physical results.

Change smaller things like 'eye color'? (is that small?)(not that way), also if you said great goddess, then in feedback what you will offer to the goddess?

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