God of speed spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► God of speed spell
Gives you very fast speed.

Casting Instructions for 'God of speed spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night Time
  • Running outside
  • Clear area
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night Time
  • Running outside
  • Clear area

Start running and Say 10 times while running:

"My sun god helios guide me into the light make me a beauty fight. Give me speed, give me speed, give me speed with the power of the demons light."

Then say 3 times:

"Fasten my Hasten Fasten my speed I will be as fast as a demon of speed and as fast as a ghost of speed."


Added to on May 02, 2018
Last edited on Apr 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does the speed last for ever or just the night and can we do this for day time track

Sep 07, 2019
A spell isn't going to give you speed beyond what you are already able to achieve. To increase your speed you can train your body and work spells and rituals to assist in motivation and success, but a spell isn't going to give you super-human speed.

This might set intention but I doubt it works. Unless you work with Helios, do not demand favour from him without presenting an offering. Even if you do work with him, offerings are wise. The part about demons is pointless and leads me to the conclusion this is fake.

Apr 24, 2022
how do u know if u don't try

Apr 24, 2022
You do not need to put your hand in a fire to know it will hurt. If you know the difference what Real Magik on the physical plane is capable of, you can easily narrow down which spells work and which do not. Magik on the physical does not defy natural law because Magik on the physical is ruled by nature. If a spell contradicts nature, it will not work. This spell claims you say ''make me run fast'' a bunch of times and suddenly you run faster. That is not how Real Magik works, that is how fake magic works. Fake magic is to entertain, Real Magik is was real life witches work with. How you could alter the spell is to use it as way to charge energy before practicing, thus sending your intention to the universe you wish to improve your skills. Without practice, however, nothing will happen.

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