Colors of Power 2

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Colors of Power 2
A further understanding of the spell I made Colors of Power
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Mind
  • Lack of Doubt

Casting Instructions for 'Colors of Power 2'


The spell Colors of Power explained how to use the "colors" and what they meant. Ill make it easy and go over it again. This will include a futher explanation of what it is, and how to think to be sure it works.


  The colors you see at night are these little sparks of what seems to light or static. However many colors are seen. Mainly blue amd purple, but people differ in basic energy's that represent what energy you put out. You can see these best in the dark, the sun's energy can make it harder to use it. This energy is your aura. You can later expand your vision to other's auras and energy flowing through the air and earth.


  Using the same technique as a PSI ball you can manipulate it, usually just look to see what happens but don't look directly into it. The energy from your third eye will disrupt it. Thats why most say to close your eyes. Knowing that it is a part of you, take this energy and move it as you wish. It will take practice. Soon you can manipulate it without hands, or mabey you already can, not for me to say. Without meditation you can practice by simply looking for them in the dark as you sleep, and look for them in day time too. In day you can look at something white to see it.


  These are the very energys that you can empower someone with or effect their mood with practice. And.... unfortunately 'vampires' use it too, which are negatively charged people who steal other energy. The vampire race is long gone, however you can still corrupt your soul and blood with it. The best way to use it is to spread "good vibes" as many call it. Which can litterly prevent cancer by ridding of toxicity. But you will have to know what each color does, of which I know much more about as of know.




Red: Emotion: Might, Rage, Righteousness, sometimes the joyful; Magical Meaning: The physical, Streangth of will, High Power (Capable of Destruction) it can also hold the colors in your grip unless your blue based


Blue: Emotion: when light it is fulfilling, empowering, enlightening; Magical Meaning: Magic, images, power, expansive, emotion (holds the colors in your grip unless you are red based)


Green: Light; Emotion: Creativity, Sparking of many unfolding events; Light in color almost yellow; jelosy, Cloying, falsehood combining with brown; Magical Meaning: Used as a spark, leaves a lot to the imagination. Can be very good.


Yellow: Intelligence, mysticism, comunication, thought; not much emotion to this one, can be used to communicate telepathically or tune in on others thoughts


Brown: Ego, personal gain, individual effects on surroundings; have bith emotion and magical meaning in one


Purple: Emotion: Lusts, Desires; Magical Meaning: Royalty, Authority, Wisdom


  The difference between emotion and magic is the shine you see, sometimes it shines light, others it seems plane. At first you will only see emotion. The light will come. The shining light is the magic light, the plane is the emotion.



Using this in meditation is a very comon thing among astral projection, using shapes. Making shapes with these colors will do powerful things. But as you make practice this remember that it matters not where you draw the energy but it is there, you.... create it. Within everyone's brain lies the installation that allows creation, hence you believe it, and it is. Your will can create. So doing this not only awaken your third eye but exercises your ability to create. Vok Kii Alvaki


Later you will learn to enchant with this...


Added to on May 22, 2018
Last edited on Dec 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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idk about this one

Dec 13, 2019
i'm confused by the outline. colour correspondences are a thing and you can use colour to influence the energy around you. you can also see colours in auras, but it sounds like they're moulding and shaping waves of coloured light or orbs which isn't a thing. as for the vampires, psi vampires are real, and there are astral vampires who can feed off emotions and other energies, but the whole ancient race that feeds on toxic energy thing, no. true, some beings are attracted to negative energy [shadw people come to mind] but it's not like you have a bad day and suddenly there's a vampire attack. it's a prolonged build-up that causes these negative effects from spells, energy, astral beings, so on.

Feb 28, 2022
Yeeeeaaaa... I'm going to make a Colors of Power 3 that actually makes sense because I won't stay up all night falling asleep typing like I did litterly every spell I wrote on this site so far. My knowledge on this topic has also grown

what if you see black?

Jan 07, 2022
How do you feel? What do you think of the colour black? Common correspondences do help, but if you feel joy at the colour, use it for that purpose. Traditionally, black is used in hexes as well as banishing. Like white, it can be substituted and used for any colour, as well as purification, and protection. However, many practitioners are scared away from the colour for negative connotations. The reality is, Magik is intention. Black absorbs, so if you wish to remove grief or sorrow, banish an unwanted guest, break a curse or even cast one, black is the go-to colour. It also works for rebirth, justice, loss, spirituality, strength and many more.

You can use colour to influence the energy around you. Every colour has an energetic vibration and attracts things in a similar energetic frequency. (see article for examples) If you plan to add food colour to water, paint your walls, or wear items specifically because they are a certain colour, this can work. Doing something mindfully, focusing energy, and using intention can charge the thing to attract/repel what you desired. However, if you are using the ''power of colour'' to literally gain powers, no. Colour Magick a real practice and a rather simple one to do. It is lowkey and about intention.

Feb 28, 2022
Please do ignore this and every other spell I've posted so far. If I could delete them all and restart I would. I stayed up all night giving the worst possible explanation for every one of these

I'm new and I like to learn more about aura and the 3rd eyes can someone guide me to open the 3rd eye

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