Develop Mri senses

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Develop Mri senses
Summary: This works immediately after this is completed. Follow the instructions carefully. It takes about two weeks, or more depending on the person and their ability to develop things. Your eyes will change color and you will be able to get the vision. However some may not be able to control the vision right away. Here are some of the side effects: Improved regular vision More intelligent Flashes of your vision Magnetic items coming closer or flying at you Stronger connection to the mri machine More desire for sexual activity Weight loss Faster running/speed walking Faster healing Racing heart/ unusual heart beat Craving metal and iron Eye color change/ lighter more vibrant Needing to use the bathroom more often

Casting Instructions for 'Develop Mri senses'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Electronic device with this typed or documented with you
  • Alone
  • Nude (fully)
  • Music that will remind you of an mri (or your theme)
  • Bathroom
  • door(s) closed
  • Mirror
  • Dimmed lights or lights on
  • Dedication to this machines senses and knowledge on the risks
  • 13 years or older
  • Works better if female
  • Ability to read
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Electronic device with this typed or documented with you
  • Alone
  • Nude (fully)
  • Music that will remind you of an mri (or your theme)
  • Bathroom
  • door(s) closed
  • Mirror
  • Dimmed lights or lights on
  • Dedication to this machines senses and knowledge on the risks
  • 13 years or older
  • Works better if female
  • Ability to read

development/ transformation instructions:


    Start by going into the bathroom, close door(s), have the electronic device with you, then get undressed.

    Set device next to you.

    Turn on the song, put it on repeat for the back round.

    Have the instructions open.

    Look in the mirror, hold your hand on your heart, take three deep breaths then take your hand off your chest.

    Say or chant while reading 3x:


“Magnetic resonance imaging,

Gods and goddesses,

Change my vision,

I am stronger,


I am a mri hybrid,

A better human,

Never the same again.”


Now look in the mirror and say once:


“By the power of three,

So mote it be.”


The end results:

Go along your business of life. Like the symptoms listed they may start right away, or it may take two hours. But it will happen if done correctly.


Blessed be and good luck!


if you want another machines vision or senses. mail me for the request.


Added to on Sep 17, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This works?

I do not think it will work? I may be wrong but pretty sure it's fake.

It might work better with a cybernetic implant. Im trying too open my eyes too see hidden things and honestly if this works most of the side effects seem like an improvement or are something i already have, besides the last one listed.

This is completely fake.

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