Basic Pain Healing

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Basic Pain Healing
This heals Stomache aches, Period Cramps, Other cramps, and headaches. I havent tested the full length yet. message me the effect -Amara101

Casting Instructions for 'Basic Pain Healing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Focus
  • Calm mind
  • Bath tub (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Focus
  • Calm mind
  • Bath tub (optional)

(Optional steps)

Fill the bathtub with hot water. The heat helps you calm down and actually makes you a bit sleepy. Sleepy works best. 


(Normal steps)

Note: keep your eyes closed.

Step 1. Gather energy into your palms. If you don't know how, Just focus all ur feeling into your palms or look up how to gather energy.

Step 2. Rub your palms together after you have gathered your energy.

Step 3. Place your palms onto the area that hurts and focus on moving the energy from your hands into the area.

Step 4. Wait a bit as your pain starts slowly healing.

Let me know if it worked!



Added to on Nov 04, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I would add Epsom salt and lavender to help with the relaxing energy. Overall, I would say it is worth a try.

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