Become a hollow

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become a hollow
This will turn you into a monster. If you are not willing to become a hollow… dont do this. This works immediately. You will feel effects within 24 hours after casting.

Casting Instructions for 'Become a hollow'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night time, sunset, or close to sunset
  • Any moon phrase
  • Voice
  • You alone (pets are ok)
  • This spell on a piece of paper or typed on a device with you
  • Dark room only lit with a small light or device light
  • Desire to become a monster
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night time, sunset, or close to sunset
  • Any moon phrase
  • Voice
  • You alone (pets are ok)
  • This spell on a piece of paper or typed on a device with you
  • Dark room only lit with a small light or device light
  • Desire to become a monster

    Go into a room alone, turn off all of the lights except the device light.

    Stand or sit in front of the spell

    When ready say or chant or whisper 1-3x:



I dedicate myself to you,

I ask of you to change me,

i will give my soul,

this is my desire”


Then say after done:


“So mote it be!”


4:  move along with your life and watch for side effects! Good luck!


Side effects:

    Craving more meat

    darker/lighter eyes

    Sharper teeth



    Weight loss/more muscle gain

    growling/snarling more

    Ability to see other hollow’s

    Freezing skin but warmer internally

    Better senses

    Pain in ribs and other body parts



Added to on Jan 01, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Don't work, magick cannot contradict nature, you were born human, and human you shall remain in this lifetime.

Jan 15, 2020
Neko is correct as usual. Real Magic on the physical plane is ruled by nature. It is an energy that brings natural change. This is not a natural change, ergo, does not work.

Nov 16, 2020
I have a question so like what if u practice witch craft for the dark lord do u still stay human and stuff ?

Nov 16, 2020
''Dark Lord'' as in Satan/Lucifer? You'd still remain human regardless of which deities you chose to work with [Also, asking about the dark lord makes me think of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina which is more insulted to witches than accurate] If you wish to work with him [or any diety for that matter] do some research to weed out the fact from fiction, but you won't become some immortal being of darkness if you choose to work with a ''dark deity.''

These comments make me uncomfortable to try these things....

Aug 11, 2019
Why do they make you uncomfortable? We are simply stating facts about real magick. It is a natural energy that brings natural change. Anything you saw in a movie won't happen with magick because real magick doesn't contradict nature. Facts of reality shouldn't make you uncomfortable.

I don't know why people make a spell that actually don't work.

Aug 14, 2019
To sound like they know what they're doing, to troll the site, or they honestly think it's possible because they haven't actually studied real magick.

Nov 28, 2020
Because they:- A. Think this is some sort of weird RP site B. Have not studied real magick and thus, think stuff like this is possible C. To insult the actual practitioners of the Craft Of course, there's also the possibility that the spell does work, though it's unlikely. You can try it tho, if you really want to become a monster, that is...

Nov 28, 2020
To any mods, sorry I used text-speak. I meant to put in though

Even if this spell could work, you would be selling your soul to the hollowgasts. In my book of common sense overlapping into magick, that doesn't really seem like a good idea.

This Creature is out of a Book by Ransom Riggs

Apr 04, 2022
I've read that before.

When you watched Bleach 10 times.

Nov 16, 2021

You cannot physically transform into a hollow.

A hollow is a monster from ''miss peregrine's home for peculiar children'', a book by ransom Riggs if you didn't already know.

What benifets would this give the caster? And no human would be able to cast such a horrid spell.

Aug 22, 2023
With some modifications it might be able to be used for mental shifting, but that's all. It won't transform you physically.

Don't work, magick cannot contradict nature, you were born human, and human you shall remain in this world

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