Become an Avian

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become an Avian
This spell is supposed to make you become an avian.

Casting Instructions for 'Become an Avian'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Day to perform: Thursday (optional)
  • A pink rose or any color rose, a pink rose will help the spell work
  • Lots of belief and dreams about being a human with wings
  • Paper
  • A bowl
  • Birdseed
  • Drawing utensils
  • Another person (must be a good drawer)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Day to perform: Thursday (optional)
  • A pink rose or any color rose, a pink rose will help the spell work
  • Lots of belief and dreams about being a human with wings
  • Paper
  • A bowl
  • Birdseed
  • Drawing utensils
  • Another person (must be a good drawer)

First get out a piece of paper, and then draw a picture of yourself. Draw the wings. Color in only the wings, as this will help the spell be more powerful. Now, get out the bowl, and put in some birdseed in there. Then you put the pink rose’s petals into there.

Now chant:

"Garuda, I have a wish to make.

Make my dreams of having wings real,

Even though this will be painful.

I still dream of becoming one.

I will glide in the wind, perform a beautiful dance.

Now can you give my wish just one chance.

Grant my desire, to be an avian, a human with wings, more it be!"

Note: It will be painful and there will be blood, but most of it will happen as your asleep. 


Added to on Oct 02, 2019
Last edited on Oct 02, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically grow wings.

Please read the description, please and thank you

Oct 03, 2019
Oops, I forgot, there’s no description p, better write an article for you

Oct 03, 2019
there is a description ''This spell is supposed to make you become an avian.'' i'm afraid Tadashi's speaking the truth when he said you can't. magick doesn't contradict nature, this ''spell'' claims it can, therefore it's fake [hense Tadashi's comment]

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