Piano Skill Enhancing Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Piano Skill Enhancing Spell
Read the spell to enhance you piano skills with power of the night.

Casting Instructions for 'Piano Skill Enhancing Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Magic Skill
  • Night-Time (Required)
  • Actual Piano-Skill (Required)
  • (You have to actually try hard to play nice)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Magic Skill
  • Night-Time (Required)
  • Actual Piano-Skill (Required)
  • (You have to actually try hard to play nice)

At Night recite three times with hope and belief sitting near piano:

"On brightest day

On darkest night

The stars above will lead the way

Charge my piano, make my skills the best in sight

Make me try as hard as I might

My piano skill now worth more than

Everything I see

As I say so mote it be

So mote it be."

  • Doesn’t always work.


Added to on Oct 17, 2019
Last edited on May 08, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Simply saying ''I want to be good at piano'' will not improve your skill. Sit and visualize yourself improving. Feel the energy enter your body and travel to your fingers. Run your fingers along the keys, then begin to chant. Doing this before practicing can help you improve quicker. As it is currently outlined, this specific spell will not work.

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