Know when your enemy is talking about you

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Know when your enemy is talking about you
This is a black magic spell that allows you to feel when your enemy is talking bad about you.

Casting Instructions for 'Know when your enemy is talking about you'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - string
  • - a candle
  • - vetiver oil
  • - something sharp
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - string
  • - a candle
  • - vetiver oil
  • - something sharp

Start by carving your enemy's name into the side of the candle. Anoint the candle with vetiver oil. Light the candle. Now tie the string to the end of your tongue and let the other end dangle in the liquid wax from the burning candle making the wax bind to the string. It is important that you focus on the person and your angry energy while you're doing this. When the wax is bound just blow the candle out.

Now your tongue should burn or hurt when your enemy is talking bad about you. 


Added to on Dec 31, 2019
Last edited on Jan 02, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Do not do this, it is dangerous for one. You can scry to see if they are. You can also cast a stop gossip or freezer spell to stop people from speaking ill of you.

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