Special Eclipse of the wolf moon spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Special Eclipse of the wolf moon spell
This is for the experienced only as this has great risks that newbies don?t know about This may make you wolf permanently meaning you will be a wolf until you die

Casting Instructions for 'Special Eclipse of the wolf moon spell'

This spell is part of our Moon Magic Series.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - full moon aka wolf moon eclipse
  • - your blood
  • - the will and belief to make this work (once u start u can?t turn back)
  • - a crystal
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - full moon aka wolf moon eclipse
  • - your blood
  • - the will and belief to make this work (once u start u can?t turn back)
  • - a crystal

There's two parts to the spell

what to do

go outside and draw a pentagram star (this represents the land the wolf will roam when you shift) and sit in the centre holding a crystal (the crystal represents the heart and soul of the wolf)

Part 1 of the spell 
say/chant 4x

By the aura of the moon, two eyes stare, a wolf is calling, crying as it's howls touch the moon, I will become one with the wolf, running on all fours and hunting what I need to survive, SO MOTE IT BE!!

Next use your blood and draw a pentagram star on your forehead (this represents the soul of the wolf)

Part 2 of the spell 
say/chant 4x 

The blood on my forehead is the blood the wolf and I will share, I will be a (type of wolf eg antartic wolf), as I change at will, I will protect those who I love and care about, i am the wolf this is me SO MOTE IT BE!!!

sit down for five minutes after casting as you may blackout 

side effects are unknown 

pm me side effects if works








Added to on Jan 09, 2020
Last edited on Jan 12, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This won't turn anyone into a wolf.

You cannot physically transform into a wolf.

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