Breathe Better! UPDATE!!!

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Breathe Better! UPDATE!!!
If you are having issues breathing, this spell can help. Do not use this unless you have to. This spell is also dangerous since your calling out to the devil, read the warning below.

Casting Instructions for 'Breathe Better! UPDATE!!!'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • No ingredients, this is purely a chant.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • No ingredients, this is purely a chant.

Make sure you don't have the hiccups and there won't be any interruptions. You are calling out to a demon so you don't want to say anything wrong. Once your somewhere peaceful or somewhere quiet, chant these words once, and don't say what's in the parentheses, just say the time instead of the parentheses.

Wind, fire, earth, water, bring back life in me. Beelzebub hear my call, I believe in you so believe in me. I wish to breath the wind, drink the water, control the fire, and bury myself in nature. Elements, elements, hear me speak. Elements, elements, I’m becoming weak. Wind, fire, earth, water, bring back life in me. Beelzebub hear my call, I believe in you so believe in me. Elements, elements, hear me speak. Elements, elements, I’m becoming weak. Elements, elements, hear my call. Elements, elements, I may fall. Clock strikes (round to the closest time, e.g. if it’s 2:15, use two. If it’s 5:34, use six.), year will be gone. Fill me with life, breath, and sun.

Now you should start to have better breathing, drinking water can help. If your drinking water only swallow it in one gulp, and if you burp do it with your mouth closed and then breath in. After you drink your water breath in. Your breathing should improve. You may have to do it again once it reaches the next hour mark.

Side affects:

  • Chills going through you (I think spirits may be going through you and that's how you get your breath? I don't know what these chills are, but it's kind of creepy.)
  • Suddenly needing to pee
  • Being thirsty
  • Better breathing!



You are calling out to the devil in this spell. As you probably know, never make a deal with the devil. This spell is dangerous. The day after this spell I got a headache, my tummy felt not good, and I was unable to do something in a game I love. Those are three bad things that happened to me, and yesterday when I wrote this spell I cast it 3 times yesterday. Every time you cast the spell, it's one bad thing to happen to you the next day. Beware! I don't know what kind of bad things may happen to you.


Added to on Jan 01, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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A chant will not improve your breathing.

Jan 18, 2024
sadly not, but is there anything that will?

Jan 18, 2024
There are some deep breathing exercises you could try, but if you have a medical condition, it will not make it go away. At best, it would only improve. Magik on the physical is confined by natural law. If this is simply you have shallow breathing, you can say an affirmation and practice deep breathing to improve it quicker than without the spell. If you have a lung condition, a spell could increase your chances of recovery, but not instantly cure it. If you have a lifetime condition, a spell could help you manage it or improve your symptoms, but not cure it. Although, if you have to take medication, you could charge it with energy, say an affirmation or chant before taking it, and it would work as a healing spell to help reduce reactions/symptoms.

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