Disguise of Aphrodite

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Disguise of Aphrodite
Based on an ancient Greek ritual, after completing the spell you will be able to change your appearence. However, it is not instantaneous and will require time.

Casting Instructions for 'Disguise of Aphrodite'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sweet blossoms, fire, a handheld mirror, running water, and a single tear. You will also need belief in magic, along with a positive energy source to fuel the spell.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sweet blossoms, fire, a handheld mirror, running water, and a single tear. You will also need belief in magic, along with a positive energy source to fuel the spell.

 Disclaimer:This spell can't change your gender. However, it can give you a more masculine or feminine appearance. To begin the spell, go to the closest running water source from where you live during the full moon and start a fire. Stare Into the mirror,; ,and say, "Aphrodite, I be not who I wish to be. I wish to shed this thing I so hate. May it be for love, may it be for hate, may it at times be a blessing, at others, a burden, a curse, I wish to be the one I imagine, the one I shape, the one of which I be true, (Starts whispering) I leave you this offering, may what I hope come to pass, for this is what I want with all of my heart....." Let the tear fall from the vial and into the fire. Put it out. Then,  scatter the blossoms to the wind. Imagine what you wish to be like. Results in 2 to 3 weeks. Afterwards,  all you have to do is look into the mirror and imagine what you to look like. Again, results in 2-3 weeks.




Added to on Feb 14, 2021
Last edited on Mar 16, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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P.S., It can't be drastic, and can't defy magic, and/or science. Also, you must contribute just a tiny bit. It doesn't happen on its own, and, before you use this, try to find the beauty within yourself, before changing it.

magic cannot change one's physical appearance

If you do not work with Aphrodite, do not call on her. As for the spell, this might cast a glamour, but I doubt it. You will not wake up one day and physically appear completely different. At best, people will perceive you more masculine/feminine.

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