Werewolf spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Werewolf spell
The most extensive spell/ritual
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Chalk (or blood)
  • 6 black candles
  • quiet open ground
  • a sacrifice (optional)

Casting Instructions for 'Werewolf spell'

On the first night of the full moon at midnight, wait until the light of a new moon burns brightly. With the chalk or blood make a 7 foot circle. Put a pentagram in the circle. At each point put a black candle. Within the center of the circle (and the star), make a 3 foot circle. Light the candles clockwise. Stand in the center and say:

Spirits from the deep
Who never sleep,
Be kind to me.

Spirits from the grave
Without a soul to save,
Be kind to me.

Spirits of the trees
That grow upon the leas,
Be kind to me.

Spirits of the air,
Foul and black, not fair,
Be kind to me,

Water spirits hateful,
To ships and bathers fateful,
Be kind to me.

Spirits of earthbound dead
That glide with noiseless tread,
Be kind to me.

Spirits of heat and fire,
Destructive in your ire,
Be kind to me.

Spirits of cold and ice,
Patrons of crime and vice,
Be kind to me.

Wolves, vampires, satyrs, ghosts!
Elect of all the devilish hosts!
I pray you send hither,
Send hither, send hither,
The great gray shape that makes men shiver!
Shiver, shiver, shiver!
Come! Come! Come!

Come, spirit so powerful! Come spirit so dread,
From the home of the werewolf, the home of the dead.
Come, give me thy blessing! Come, lend me thine ear!
O spirit of darkness! Oh spirit so drear!

Come mighty phantom! Come great Unknown!
Come from thy dwelling so gloomy and lone.
Come, I beseech thee; depart from thy lair,
And body and soul shall be thine, I declare.

Haste, haste, hast, horrid spirit, haste!
Speed, speed, speed, scaring spirit, speed!
Fast, fast, fast, fateful spirit, fast!

I offer to thee, Great Spirit of the Unknown, this night, my body and soul, on the condition that thou grantest me, from this night to the hour of my death, the power of metamorphosing, nocturnally, into a wolf. I beg, I pray, I implore thee - thee, unparalleled Phantom of Darkness, to make me a werewolf - a werewolf!

Make me a werewolf! Make me a man-eater!
Make me a werewolf! Make me a woman-eater!
Make me a werewolf! Make me a child-eater!
I pine for blood! Human blood!
Give it me! Give it me tonight!
Great Wolf Spirit! Give it me, and
Heart, body, and soul, I am yours.

'Tis night! 'Tis night! and the moon shines white
Over pine and snow-capped hill;
The shadows stray through burn and brae
And dance in the sparkling rill.

'Tis night! 'Tis night! And the devil's light
Casts glimmering beams around.
The maras dance, the nisses prance
On the flower-enamelled ground.
'Tis night! 'Tis night! And the werewolf's might
Makes men and nature shiver.
Yet its fierce gray head and stealthy tread
Are nought to thee, oh river!
River, river, river.
Oh water strong, that swirls along,
I prithee a werewolf make me.
Of all things dear, my soul, I swear,
In death shall not forsake thee.

Chant completed, the applicant must crouch inside the circle to undergo the terrible transformation. The change should start when the candle flame burns blue

Note the color gray and silver can probably be replaced as there are different colors of weres though i still have no idea if it matters in the spell personally.

Note2 in order to increase the potential and power, i have added the ritual instructions to the spell, which was before just a chant, combining all these should help, i will look for magickal ingredients in the future as well.


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Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
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