Magic Sun Beauty Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Magic Sun Beauty Spell
Spell to change appearance.

Casting Instructions for 'Magic Sun Beauty Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sun
  • Water
  • Flower of Choice
  • Calm
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sun
  • Water
  • Flower of Choice
  • Calm
  • Belief

Walk out in the sun with water and flower of choice. Sit down and chant 6 times,"Oh Magic mother sun, created great beauty you have done, however I wish to change, may you change me in a reasonable time range." Next sprinkle water on flower and take a deep breath. Then 2 times say "Magic may I have (wished color of eyes/hair/skintone) and (hair texture) in a week or 3." Then put flower in water sprinkling it in a circle around you. You should notice changes in a few weeks.



Note: Don't ingest any materials.


Added to on Jul 07, 2021
Last edited on Jul 14, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Magic can not change your hair or eye color, or skin tone.

This does not work. Ignoring the common view that the sun is masculine, unless this poster follows Norse. A spell cannot change your physical appearance. It could cast a glamour so others view you differently. Major changes like the colour of your eyes, hair and skin will not occur. Strangers may perceive you differently, and some may not notice minor perceived imperfections, but dramatic changes will not occur.

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