Percy Jackson Demigod spell (full moon)

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Percy Jackson Demigod spell (full moon)
Makes you a Demigod exactly like the ones in the Percy Jackson books.

Casting Instructions for 'Percy Jackson Demigod spell (full moon)'

This spell is part of our Moon Magic Series.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief in the spell and the Greek Gods
  • Full Moon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief in the spell and the Greek Gods
  • Full Moon

Say this 1x on a Full Moon " Zeus King of the Gods I pray to you to let me become a Demigod of the God that I choose. I will become the son of (Gods name here). The God that I choose will pass down their powers and give me their blood. I wish to no longer be human but to be a Demigod Just like in the Percy Jackson series. I can attend camp half blood in the summer but return home for school this is my wish so mote it be." 


This spell will let you become a Demigod of the God that you choose. You will live a life until you die just like the Demigods in the Percy Jackson series. It must be a Full Moon for this to work and when you sleep you dream about being a Demigod and your Godly parent talking to you while you're awake. The following side effects are feeling different. Getting the powers that God passed down to you. Feel like your Godly parent is watching you. And protecting you as well as you can hear a voice when your Godly parent is talking to you and helps give you Advice. You can understand Greek and write Greek. You can see things that normal mortals can't see.


Added to on Jul 19, 2021
Last edited on Jul 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a demigod with a spell. Percy Jackson is for entertainment. It is not a factual account. Anyone who claims a spell will literally give you powers like some fictional character, it is fake. Real Magik does not defy nature.

You also can not transform into something your not. Transformation spells and power spells will not work. Like Tadashi has said magik does not defy nature. It’s not like in the movies or in Hollywood.

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