Get rid of a Headache

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Get rid of a Headache
To get rid of a headache.

Casting Instructions for 'Get rid of a Headache'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Quartz Crystal
  • Salt Water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Quartz Crystal
  • Salt Water
Rinse A Quartz Crystal with Salt Water then charge it in the sunlight for a while. Hold it to your forehead for several moments and imagine the quartz absorbing the pain. When you are finished cleanse and charge the crystal again. This is a good method to use for another persons headache to.


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Rose quartz is for healing the heart, not healing headaches. You ca use crystals to heal a headache, but clear quartz would work better.

Apr 16, 2022
agree, and rinse with salt water and place it under sunlight? Does this mean a way to cleanse a crystal? then after the crystal cleansed, put it on forehead 'quartz absorbing the pain' again?

Oct 21, 2023
Correct. Salt water basically de-programs and clears most crystals so it would essentially empty the quartz and make it a clean vessel.

I would suggest using amethyst for this myself, it is a calming stone that relieves tension and promotes healing in general. If the piece is a single-terminal it could double as a massager by pressing it mildly to the back of the neck, at the base of the skull. (Or other root-points of headaches.)

I think it might be easier to just put a cold pack on your head and drink some water

Oct 21, 2023
Depends on a few factors. Not all headaches are caused by dehydration after-all. Though water, rest, and a cool cloth are always helpful at least to some degree. Just sip the water slow over a long period if there is nausea. Technicolor yawns are not very fun when every beat of the heart already feels like it will crack your skull from the inside.

Well, if the nausea is bad enough then on occasion it can help to 'clear the stomach'. Drink a good few swallow of water then just let it happen. The moment is hell but the water dilutes whatever was present, and once the stomach is emptied the nausea often fades. ...At for me it does.

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