Cat Curse Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Cat Curse Spell
Turns the target into a small house cat.

Casting Instructions for 'Cat Curse Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A suitable target.
  • Justification.
  • A voice.
  • Imagination.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A suitable target.
  • Justification.
  • A voice.
  • Imagination.

To turn target n. into a cat so they don't come back. Just imagine their head talking to the dead and repeat this rhyme to turn them into a cat in time:

O n. O n., n. n. n. n, be a cat, hear my spell until you have fell, hear my rhyme in every chime, hear my chant until your a cat, hear it until you don't come back, cat's eyes reign, skin aflame, scratching claws, tail and fang, hiss and purr, feline flesh, purr and purr until nothing's left, feel it purr throughout your skin, turning you from within, burning and burning night and day, until your a little pussycat in everyway.


Added to on Mar 22, 2022
Last edited on Mar 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform anyone into anything.

This isn't real although the evil part of me wishes it was. So I could watch them suffer.

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