STAY SKINNY FOREVER (safe and working)

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► STAY SKINNY FOREVER (safe and working)
This spell makes you skinny forever. Takes a day to work ish.

Casting Instructions for 'STAY SKINNY FOREVER (safe and working)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • black clothes
  • long mirror around 5 feet tall by 3 feet wide cheap at walmart $
  • black lipliner
  • a voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • black clothes
  • long mirror around 5 feet tall by 3 feet wide cheap at walmart $
  • black lipliner
  • a voice

wear black clothes (optional)

put black lipliner on lips whole lips (optional)

put black lip liner around eyes not on eyeballs please. smudge it around until looks like both eyes are bruised (optional)

stand in front of mirror at midnight and say phrase (size of mirror optional but mirror mandatory)

"I need to go to the gym"

then look at a mirror from any angle all of your life for it to work thereafter. 


works best if you use on full moon at midnight. (time and moon optional but best results use the optional stuff)




Added to on Jun 12, 2023
Last edited on Jun 14, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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While you can do a spell to help you have more willpower, magic will not make you lose weight unless you also change your diet and increase your activity level.

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