Beauty Powerup

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Beauty Powerup
Quick Boost of your beauty, that lasts for a day or two

Casting Instructions for 'Beauty Powerup'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red candle
  • Glass of Moonwater
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red candle
  • Glass of Moonwater

First thing you need to do is to fast for one whole day, which means no meat, no toxic matter.

Next day in the morning, take your moonwater pour it in a clean bowl in front of you, and beside it light up a red candle.

Circle your hands few inches above the flame of burning candle, just be sure not to hurt yourself, then make movements with your open palms like you are washing your face just slightly away from your face downwards.

Then take moonwater from the bowl with tips of your fingers, and apply it on your face.


Added to on Oct 27, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I would add to this as it does not have much beauty energy involved. I am not opposed to fasting for a spell, but it serves little purpose. Perhaps listing healthy food to eat the next day to enhance your beauty and further cleanse your body of toxins. Fasting for a day then returning to potato chips does not really do much. Fasting while spending the day in reflection and contemplation of your goals, imagining how you will look and feel mind, body and spirit. That would help the spell. As for the candle and moon water, they can work, but you should add to it. Carve a beauty sigil into the candle, anoint it with oil or herbs associated with self-love and beauty. You could also use the moon water and herbs in a bath. As the candle burns, soak in the tub and visualize your desired goal. If you wish to follow this outline, I would still imagine your goal and would utilize a chant to charge energy and set your intention. As outlined, it is lacking Magikal energy and intention. Minor edits would improve this spell.

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