To deepen your sense of hearing

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► To deepen your sense of hearing
Three exercises to improve your hearing

Casting Instructions for 'To deepen your sense of hearing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Be in your home (exercise one)
  • Be in a public place (exercise two)
  • Be outside (exercise three)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Be in your home (exercise one)
  • Be in a public place (exercise two)
  • Be outside (exercise three)
Sit in a familiar place in our home and close your eyes:
Listen deliberately and with awareness to the sounds of our home.
Sit in a public place like a mall or a restaurant and close your eyes.
Listen deliberately and with awareness to the sounds of the public place. Do it with a friend by your side so that you can relax and not worry about what’s going on around you.
Sit outdoors and close your eyes.
Listen deliberately and with awareness to the sounds of the outdoors.
Questions you to answer (copy down into your book of shadows! Leave a gap between each question so you can answer it!!)
What do you hear?
How many different sounds do you hear?
Where are they coming from?
Can you identify them?
How are the sounds different?
How is the way you listen in public different from the way you listen at home?
Do you find it more difficult to identify outdoor sounds?
Where do they come from?
Do you hear more or fewer sounds than you hear indoors?

Copied from Arin Murphy-Hiscock's work of magickal education, ''The Green Witch''. Copyright and TradeMark, Adams Media (an imprint of Simon and Schuster Incorporated)


Added to on Apr 18, 2024
Last edited on Apr 18, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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