Genderbend Spell!

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Genderbend Spell!
Have you ever wished to be the opposite gender? Maybe you're curious what its like or want to get to wear a pretty dress. Well, look no more; This spell is for exactly that!

Casting Instructions for 'Genderbend Spell!'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper (Any size is fine)
  • Pen
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper (Any size is fine)
  • Pen
  • Voice

This spell has two versions depending on what you need to achieve: FtM (Female to Male) and MtF (Male to Female)


FtM Spell:

  1. Get your piece of paper, and draw yourself on it, the way you currently look. It's okay if you're not a great artist, this is just to represent you. Write your name above it too.
  2. Say this:

"My current form has grown quite stale; I'd much prefer to become male.

A deeper voice, a higher frame; All the male traits do I claim.

I refuse to have a high voice, or any more curves.

My current vessel is to become a drifting memory; so mote it be!"

      3. Scribble the drawing out, and cross your name out too. Instead, write a masculine name for yourself there, and re-draw yourself except male.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​      4. Say this:

"Body, this is what I ask of thee; To become the gender I desire to be.

This is to be my new form, so mote it be!"

MtF Spell:


  1. ​​​​​​​Get your piece of paper, and draw yourself on it, the way you currently look. It's okay if you're not a great artist, this is just to represent you. Write your name above it too.
  2. Say this:

"My current form has grown quite stale; I'd much prefer to be female.

A higher voice, a petite frame; All female traits do I claim.

I refuse to have a deep voice, or any male traits.

My current vessel is to become a drifting memory; so mote it be!"

      3. Scribble the drawing out, and cross your name out too. Instead, write a feminine name for yourself there, and re-draw yourself except female.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​      4. Say this:

"Body, this is what I ask of thee; To become the gender I desire to be.

This is to be my new form, so mote it be!"

​​​​​​​I hope you liked the spell! :D


Added to on Feb 14, 2025
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot change your physical with Real Magik. You could cast an illusion so others perceive you different, but this does not have enough Magikal energy to cast an illusion. At best you could say this before a meditation to set the intention you wish to experience life as the opposite gender. Even then, I do not see this doing much.

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