Keep Beauty from Fading

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Keep Beauty from Fading
To keep beauty from fading

Casting Instructions for 'Keep Beauty from Fading'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

When all your face appears most fair,
When the comets and meteors gild your hair,
And in your eyes the moon and sun
Contest, surrender, and burn as one,
When ivory Venus smoothens your brow,
And Mars recurves your lips' red bow,
Make haste to utter this binding verse
And hold the stars on their kindest course...


"Figure of fire,
That shift and change,
Planets that move
By heaven's hinge,
Be signed and fixed
Forever here,
And close my image
Within thy sphere."



Measure a yard of golden string,
Loose from your fingers let it swing,
Then tie it in thirteen sturdy knots,
Hide it among your scents and pots .


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Last edited on Jan 02, 2016
Part of the Pure Power Library.


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This needs an edit. A chant alone will not stop the aging process. At the bottom, they mention to tie thirteen knots in gold yarn. Knot magik might hold the energy in place, but it was not mentioned in the ingredients list. Create a healthy routine, and casting a rewritten version of this spell could help cast a glamour to appear beautiful for longer, however beauty is not a standard thing.

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