Chakra Bath

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Chakra Bath
This is a bath to open, cleanse and charge all your Chakras. This is from the Yahoo Group Adult_Witchcraft.

Casting Instructions for 'Chakra Bath'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Tbsp red rose petals
  • Tbsp orange peel (fresh or dried)
  • Tbsp German chamomile flowers
  • Tbsp slippery elm OR blue tulip petals
  • Some lavender flowers
  • 1 clear quart
  • Handful of salt
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Tbsp red rose petals
  • Tbsp orange peel (fresh or dried)
  • Tbsp German chamomile flowers
  • Tbsp slippery elm OR blue tulip petals
  • Some lavender flowers
  • 1 clear quart
  • Handful of salt

Combine all ingredients and put into bath with the water running. Ground and center in the tub. When soaking in the bath concentrate on each Chakra from the root up being fully opened cleansed and charged.


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Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Practical Witches Library.


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I would not combine all of them in the hopes to cleanse all of your chakras in one go. Starting with the root and working your way up, you make a bath with items associated with each chakra. Soak in the tub, focusing on that specific area associated with that chakra. Visualize the energy in the water focusing on the specific chakra. Imagine the negative energy clogging the chakra being washed away and the energy in the water charging the chakra so it shines and spins unencumbered by the blockages it once possessed.

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