Astral Projection

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Astral Projection
With this spell you are given the ability to travel to the thoughts of the person you intend, but not to be done by the inexperienced.

Casting Instructions for 'Astral Projection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 5 white candles layed out on the five points of a pentagram
  • 1 picture of the person intended
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 5 white candles layed out on the five points of a pentagram
  • 1 picture of the person intended

Focusing on the picture in fron of you letting the lite from the candle consume your astral self, from this you will ba able to detach your astral self from you physical self whilst saying the spell:


"Life to life and mind to mind
our spirits now will enter twined
we mold our soles and jurney to
the ones thoughts we wish to know."



When you are ready you will return to your physical self.
Once you are strong enough you can change this ability to posession.


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Last edited on Feb 28, 2016
Part of the The Adversary Library.


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Does it work

Doesn't work with LED channels

Jan 11, 2022
I meant to say candles

Jan 11, 2022
It should work with LED candles. If it doesn't work, it would be the spell, not the candles. Unless the spell requires a candle to burn something, using an LED doesn't matter. Witchcraft is about using what you have. Real candles would be nice, but if you can't have candles with real flames for whatever reason, LED works too. Candles represent fire, so an LED candle does the job. [on Yule, I put on a video of a fireplace for the effect] Reading over this spell, it's too grounding. You need to meditate, relax, unfocus [like looking at a magic eye puzzle] gaze into the flickering of the flame and let yourself drift off. I would say the chant before meditating to set your intention.

I would change the chant if you are going to attempt this, as the words sounds like a binding which can be bad. As for entering another persons mind, no. There is the rare occasion you can enter their dreams if they are open to spiritual beings entering their dreams, but the physical has natural defenses and will protect against spiritual/astral beings entering a persons dreamscape.

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