Amethyst Healing Oil Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Amethyst Healing Oil Spell
This healing oil can be used for both aromatherapy and message.

Casting Instructions for 'Amethyst Healing Oil Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You will need one-quarter ounce of Almond oil
  • 25 Drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 5 Drops of Lilac scented oil
  • 4 Drops of Carnation essential oil
  • 1 Drop of Jasmine-scented oil
  • 1 Drop of Rosemary essential oil
  • 5 Coriander Seeds
  • Bottle with a top large enough to fit all of the ingredients
  • Amethyst Crystal
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You will need one-quarter ounce of Almond oil
  • 25 Drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 5 Drops of Lilac scented oil
  • 4 Drops of Carnation essential oil
  • 1 Drop of Jasmine-scented oil
  • 1 Drop of Rosemary essential oil
  • 5 Coriander Seeds
  • Bottle with a top large enough to fit all of the ingredients
  • Amethyst Crystal

Mix all of the oils plus the coriander seeds together in the bottle. Put the cap on the bottle, and shake vigorously while chanting:


"Goddess of the sacred healing flower,
Grace this oil with your divine power."


Using your breath, clear the amethyst crystal by imagining a clear mountain stream. Next, send the image into the crystal by pulsing the breath out of your nose at the same time you send the image into the crystal. Repeat this process three times for the best results. Now, imagine a magnificent healing flower opening up in your mind’s eye. At the mement the flower fully opens, use your breath to pulse the image into the amethyst. Repeat this process three times.

Place the amethyst crystal into the bottle of oil and leave it there. Anoint yourself with the oil after dark whenever you like. Anytime you have a chance, place the bottle of oil in a place where it can absorb moonlight. This will strengthen the healing effects of the oil. When you do this, ask for the help of a moon goddess. Use the oil within a couple of weeks for best results.

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Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Divine Spirits Library.


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This does work, just be sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients before anointing your skin. You could also place some in a tiny vile and carry it for the same effect.

Very specific item,notes,instruction. Also the author also give the source of this Spell. the instruction 'repeat this process 3 times' (very good) is same like 'mountain move' in ''Gospel of Thomas'' (from ''deadsea scrools'' in ''nag hammadi'', and not from these day bible), repeated 3 times in the book, because it is the most powerfull sentences in that book. even Tesla the inventor rumored circling a building 3 times before entering it.

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