Beauty Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Beauty Spell
Pretty self-explanitary, just follow what it says. Made for girls.

Casting Instructions for 'Beauty Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Needle (Something sharp to prick or cut your finger)
  • 1 Small piece of paper
  • 1 Candle (any color you desire perferably red or pink)
  • Your voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Needle (Something sharp to prick or cut your finger)
  • 1 Small piece of paper
  • 1 Candle (any color you desire perferably red or pink)
  • Your voice

Light the candle and chant:


"Goddess Aphrodite
Hear my plea,
Make my body look as a models would,
 and to the boys make my curves look good,
Make my skin flawless as a dove,
So I will attract my one true love."



Prick (or cut) your finger and as blood drops (3 drops) onto paper say:


"Use my blood as a sacrifice to thee,
So I may look as I want to be,
This is my will
So mote it be."



Fold the paper with the blood on it and light it on fire with the your candle of choice.

*Remember to snuff out the candle not blow it out*


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Last edited on Mar 30, 2016
Part of the Sun and Heaven Library.


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This does not work. Unless you work with a deity, you should not call on them and make demands. A spell will not change your physical appearance. Claiming a spell is for a specific gender only is a pretty big red flag as the vast majority of spells are designed for anyone. Magik does not create physical changes, so unless you are changing your diet, exercise and daily beauty routine, nothing will happen. If you ignore my advice and try this spell, please ensure the needle is stylized and you clean the area properly before cutting yourself. I suggest poking the side of your finger and not the tip.

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