Develop Psychic Powers

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Develop Psychic Powers
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Casting Instructions for 'Develop Psychic Powers'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue and blue-green candles
  • A bowl of water
  • figurines or pictures of otters, salmons, seals, whales, or great blue herons
  • coral
  • opal
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue and blue-green candles
  • A bowl of water
  • figurines or pictures of otters, salmons, seals, whales, or great blue herons
  • coral
  • opal

Its a spell to develop Psychic on...

During this Pisces Moon, it is a good time for developing psychic skills. To do this, create an altar that includes some of the Piscean ritual objects: Blue and blue-green candles, A bowl of water, and figurines or pictures of otters, salmons, seals, whales, or great blue herons. Place some coral, opal, or labradorite stones on the altar with dried horsetail or sage. Apply some oil of lotus or frankincense, light the candles, and mediate on the water. Gaze deeply into the bowl and say:


"Water shining Water Deep bring me answers that I seek."


Then ask questions that you do not have the answer for. Watch for images to appear in the water.

Enjoy Love GothWitch369 of Black Cross Coven


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Last edited on Mar 30, 2016
Part of the Random Magic Library.


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This will not give you psychic powers. You could use a ritual to help you, but a spell will not give you psychic powers. Practice will.

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