Increase Beauty

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Increase Beauty
For beauty

Casting Instructions for 'Increase Beauty'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Insect Husk
  • Box (to keep the husk in until your spell)
  • Large Brass Bowl
  • 1 Golden Candle
  • Jasmine Oil
  • Rose Oil
  • Piece of Silk
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Insect Husk
  • Box (to keep the husk in until your spell)
  • Large Brass Bowl
  • 1 Golden Candle
  • Jasmine Oil
  • Rose Oil
  • Piece of Silk

Take the insect husk and place it in the brass bowl in front of the gold candle and then pour your oils over the husk. use your gold candle to set fire to the husk in the bowl and say;


"Dead thing, evil, old and dried,

This foul skin be cast aside,

and thus transformed to golden fire

new and young and fine and fair."



When the fire goes out, take the ashes that remain in the bowl and crush them into a paste with the oil then drip some candle wax into the bowl then scrape the mixture together and form it into a ball, then wrap it in your silk and kept near a mirror that you use often. Repeat the incantation as often as you can in front of your mirror while passing the silk ball in front your face.


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Last edited on May 24, 2016
Part of the Baron La Croix Library.


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This will not increase your physical beauty.

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